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10 of the Safest Places to Travel

Since history began there have always been those places on the planet which have ranked as safe, not so safe or as complete no-go areas. This is still very much true in the 21st century and these days there are all kinds of nasties and factors to add into the whole equation when considering where […]

Best Places to Travel in January

For most of us Northern Hemisphere folk, January is a time of dark skies, temperatures which require several layers of clothing and short daylight hours. Little wonder then that we all tend to dream of travel at this time. Generally speaking the best destinations are those which allow you to escape totally the monochrome colours […]

Underrated Gap Year Destinations: Part 2

Following on from our first post, we share another five underrated gap year destinations, which you may want to consider adding to your travel itinerary… 1) Nepal Travellers flock to neighbouring India but Nepal – home to Mount Everest – receives almost none of that same traffic. Billed by travel industry experts as one of […]