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11 Reasons to Visit Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia has been a beloved darling of the traveller set for a long while now and for good reason. This tropical set of countries is often presented as the easiest place in the world to begin globe-trotting adventures for complete novices but the truth is it keeps veterans coming back time and time again […]

Best Destinations for Solo Travellers

With the capacity to empower and cleanse, travelling solo can also be a journey of self-discovery, a huge personal growth curve and otherwise a bundle of fun and adventure. Perhaps once it was true that many who travelled alone did so because it was that or nothing but these days many go solo through choice. […]

A Guide to Travelling in Malaysia

Although there are many nations in the world which appear almost more than one country, nowhere is this truer than with Malaysia. Half of the country is found on the mainland which extends down from Thailand right on through to Singapore while its other half is way across the South China Sea on the island […]

10 of the Safest Places to Travel

Since history began there have always been those places on the planet which have ranked as safe, not so safe or as complete no-go areas. This is still very much true in the 21st century and these days there are all kinds of nasties and factors to add into the whole equation when considering where […]

A Guide to Travelling in South East Asia

Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam – these are the countries which make up the magical and marvellously mixed melting pot known as South East Asia. Acting as an almost irresistible magnet to gap year travellers, these tropical lands are packed with such diverse wonders and sights as majestic mountains; […]

All Aboard: A Guide to Sleeper Trains in South East Asia

The imagery of a sleeper train rattling its way through the night, past unseen landscapes cloaked in darkness is such a romantic one it has been used as the setting and backdrop for many an iconic movie (some of them a little scary admittedly). Throw into the mix a location with the exoticness of Indo-China […]